Friday, March 11, 2005

Starbuck's Coffee Liqueur

Just recently I've evaluated Starbuck's Coffee Liqueur, and it is trés deliçeaux, as we say en Français, har har!! (YUM!!) Apparently this fine alcohol is bottled & distributed by the same company as Jim Beam is. Starbuck's Liqueur was just released to the public back in Feb. this year, and I picked up a 1/5 of it for "evaluation purposes" @ Ye Old Package WareHaus here in Louisville not long ago. It's not nearly as sweet as Kahlua, but it has it's own unique flavor that takes a while to acquire. At first, I detected faint hints of creosote, probably due to the fact that Starbuck's roasts its beans moreso than usual, and the liqueur is made directly from their delicious coffee. For anyone wishing to try something new, I highly recommend it. Although the bottles have very scant details on their labels, they do come with a tiny recipe booklet. And of course always remember: those who enjoy quality enjoy it responsibly (in other words, don't git totally schloshed!!). :-)


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