The Double-Barrel Cannon
On the NorthEast corner of the town hall in Athens Georgia (my home-town, also home of R.E.M.) sits an interesting oddity. The famous Double-Barrel Cannon is a relic from way back during the War of Northern Aggression. It was concieved on an idea remarkably ingenious for the time. The 2 barrels weren't exactly parallel but verrrrrrrrrrry slightly angled out from each other. Idea was, to have 2 cannonballs attached to each other by a chain of considerable length. When the cannon was fired, the chain would stretch out as the balls' flight paths gradually separated, and in effect the chain could literally "mow down" multitudes of enemy soldiers @ once like a scythe. Unfortunately, the cannon's designers overlooked ONE tiny but very MAJOR logistical issue: there was no way to synchronize the firing of the barrels! The cannon was fired only one time. And yep, you guessed it: 1 ball flew out a microsecond before the other, extending the chain but whipping back around in a complete "180", and killing the gunner. Since then the cannon has served as a very interesting yard ornament for Downtown Athens.
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