Thursday, January 20, 2005

Airbus rolls out the new A380

After hearing bits & pieces about this new huge superjumbo jet yesterday, I had to find out more. From the Cincinnati Post : Apparently yesterday the European manufacturer Airbus Industries has finally rolled out the new Airbus A380, a new jumbo jet that's double-decker all the way from nose to tail and even larger than the 747. Different airlines envision the huge plane in a variety of cabin configurations, including onboard gyms, salons, casinos, cocktail lounges (JEEZ!!), private cabins w/ beds, etc.. An "average" configuration (incl. most of the above frivolities) would still leave room for ~555 passengers or so, and a "base" config. would have enough room for well-over 800 passengers. By the time you filled up one of them thangs, you could just about DRIVE to your destination!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thinking I'd be terrified to be on a plane with 800 other people.... a disaster waiting to happen... plus how long would it really take to load that thang? hehe :)

9:29 PM  
Blogger GrayWolf said...

Yeah, or something like a meditation chamber w/ an indoor garden w/ waterfalls etc. Come to think of it, that would be totally cool! ;-)

4:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

All new concepts would follow with introduction of A380. How successful would it be , only time will tell. In the mean time lemme share what i found for airbus diehards, a free pop3 mail id This is free pop mail and news site. visit and get ur mail id.

6:57 AM  

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