Friday, January 14, 2005

REX 6000 Micro-PDA

Any of y'all remember the "REX 6000"? It was a credit-card sized Micro-PDA made by Xircom. It could synch. to a computer using the supplied cradle, or in the case of most lap-tops, slide directly into a PCMCIA Type II PC Card slot. Various shareware programs were compiled for it, such as time/expense managers, calendars, score-card apps., games, and even off-line web browsers. The "REX Portal" (similar to AvantGo & hosted by Intel) is now defunct, but I think a couple of independent portals are still online. I ran across my REX 6000 just today while going through some old stuff, and now I remember why I didn't use it much: the batteries shore don't last long! Guess I'll try to find a couple of new ones @ Radio Snack and put 'er to some good use again. It'd be a perfect companion to my Dell Latitude CPi A366XT lap-top.


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