MMMmmmm... Coffee especially good this morning :-)
MMmmmMMmMMMmmmmm.... There's nothing like a good cup of coffee when you've rolled outta th' bed on a weekend morning. On most weekends I have Folger's. It's fairly affordable and you can get it by the huge cans @ Sam's Club. During work-days however I need something w/ a bit more "horse power", such as my high-octane Starbuck's. That's one of the reasons I get to work early (around 7AM): so I can gradually start my day @ a reasonable pace & enjoy my coffee instead of havin' to hit the ground runnin' w/ someone breathin' down my neck. Also, I can the release myself on my own recognizance fer good behavior around 4-4:30PM and thus avoid most of the rush-hr. traffic on the way home.
Er... "Thanks" --I think... I hope it means something good in English. Please translate :-)
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