Steaks on the grill --YUM!
Well, yesterday the weather was finally tolerable for February (Februarys SUCK for the most part; just thought I'd say that!). I got out for a nice long bike-ride yesterday afternoon, after I'd caught up on some yard-work. Then I cooked 2 steaks on the grill. I'd marinaded these since earlier that morning. I make my own Marinade Concoction. Anyone wishing to try my world-famous Concoction, just add the following ingredients together (by the way, I don't measure anythang!): some olive oil, Worcestershire sauce, Balsamic vinegar, Tarragon vinegar (YUM!), some Jim Beam Black or Jack Daniel's Old No. 7 (double-YUM!), and some seasoned NaCl. Thoroughly mix together. Place steaks in a Corning-ware dish w/ cover. Poke holes in steaks w/ fork and pour over Marinade Concoction. Let sit for @ least 6 hrs. (in the 'fridge) --oh yeah: and it's best to turn 'em over every 2-3 hrs. or so. After charcoal is hot, spread out the briquettes and add any soaked seasoning chips such as mesquite (I use Jim Beam barrel bungs; they impart an impeccable flavor!!). Throw the steaks on the grill (I prefer mine well-done). When ready, pour yourself a small measuring-glass of Blanton's or Knob Creek. Take your steak & glass to your favourite easy-chair and ENJOY!! I like to eat mine in my chaise-lounge while I'm still out on my deck enjoying the sunset (when the weather's nice that is). :-)
Yeahhhhhh... It's delicious! You should try it :-)
Incidentally, did you try that Gallery link yet?
I did most of these photos/paintings back in the late '90s, while I was still working @ UGA after graduating from graduate school. I still take lots of photos, and I'd like to show you some of my sunset photos I've taken recently (they're fantastical!!). Even though I'm a molecular biologist, I've always been into artwork since I was a kid. I'm one of those rare types that can do both science and art, haha! I'd love to see some of your artwork too. You can always e-mail images as attachments:
I forgot to mention that I still do photography all the time ----wellll.. in my spare time that is, hahaha. But I really want to get back into air-brush painting again this year. I've got some ideas for some incredible mountain scenes & cloud scenes that I'd like to paint.
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