February the LAST
2-28-2005: The LAST day of Feb. is finally here. And not a minute too soon. Februarys really BLOW!! The weather is usually cold, windy, rainy, & just downright raunchy out there. It's one of those few times of year that I wish I could >> (fast-forward) through. Most of the time, the time itself goes by so fast that I wonder where it's gone.. And it seems to go by even faster as I get older. For all you young people out there, ENJOY this time of your lives to its fullest: yer "good ol' days" are right now.
Today's forecast is more rain, drizzle, turin' even colder throughout the day, and it's s'posed to start snowin' this evening and all through the night & into tomorrow. At least I can kick back & look forward to my ***vacation*** in late March. By then the dawg-woods, croci, hyacinths, Eastern redbuds, & wisteria will be in full-bloom, and I hope to shoot more excellent photos of them.
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