IN MEMORIAM: Dr. Hunter S. Thompson : 1938-2005
Louisville native Dr. Hunter S. Thompson departed this world from a self-inflicted gun-shot wound last night. He was 67. Known world-wide for his satirical writings and his "New Journalism" (a.k.a. "'gonzo' journalism"), he was the original "Dr. Gonzo". One of my favorite Thompson works is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: a novel totally crazy beyond words but has me laughing hysterically every time I read it.
Dr. Thompson, WHY the hell did you do it???!!???!? I'm sure millions of your fans are asking this right now this very moment as I write this 'blog posting. You always made me laugh, no matter how twisted (& sometimes very dark) your uniquely-warped humor was... Rest in peace Dr. Gonzo; we will always miss you... you'll never be forgotten........
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