Hurricane Katrina reached an intensity greater than Camille (1969) yesterday afternoon. Would have been a "Category SIX" if the scale went that high. It's slamming into Louisiana & surrounding states as I type this. I vaguely remember Camille (I was the sort-of-tender age of 3 @ the time); it dumped 12" of rain in 4 hrs. as far north as Maryland, where we lived @ the time. It's the hurricane by which all others are compared --until now. THIS one's more intense than any in recorded history. I'm not the "preachin' kind", but I think we oughtta keep everyone who's affected by this b*tch-@$$ monster in our thoughts and prayers.
Katrina is a monster. So many people out of touch with reality. Their lives were swept away in an instant. We will all feel her wrath in someway. All the gas stations are now wanting pre-payment at the pump. Gas is now over $3.00 a gallon here in the midwest. A gas station attendant told me that gas will be at $5.00 a gallon in a week or so. Life will be hard to grasp if the maddness does not end.
Yes, and lately I'm not concerned as much about the price as much as the availablility of gas. I noticed last week some stations in Louisville remained @ $3.10/gal while others kept going up. I learned later that the "lower"-priced stations had actually RUN OUT. And people shooting each other over bags of ice. WHAT has society degraded to??? Sorta reminds me of a comment by Albert Einstein: "We know not what weapons WW III will be fought with, but WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones".
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