Tuesday, August 16, 2005

...disjointed thoughts...

Been a crazy day .... I should've known it when I smelled a stinkin' SKUNK first thing this morning... He must've "detonated" just outside my window out back.. could smell him from the INside through the kitchen walls... Gas now @ an all-time high: $2.friggin'90 /gal now. Guess it's high-time I figured out how to get my truck to run on ginger ale. Entirely too much weird sh*t goin' on in the world lately. And this afternoon, the real kicker: ghost from the past e-mailed me... bringing back all kinds of crazy disjointed thoughts & feelings that I've tried so desparately to make sense of &/or get over for several months now..... feeling totally lost... WHY in the damn hell does life have to be so friggin' WEIRD some days????? ..."Calgon, Take me awayyyy!!!"


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