Thursday, August 25, 2005

Crazy dreamzzzzz

Been having some really weird & disturbing crazy dreams lately.. dreams that just don't make any sense. And it's been driving me totally nutz-O. Some are beyond disturbing.... wish I could make sense of 'em. At least they've been "colorful" though. I dream in color all the time (I've read that many folks dream in black & white). In some dreams, I dream of colors that don't exist in this world --can't describe 'em. I can remember them, but since they don't exist in this world, I can't begin to describe what they look like. --Does that make any sense? Prob'ly not. Some days I honestly feel like I'm goin' totally insane.......


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dreams are just your minds way of organizing your thoughts.

You previously told us on August 13 that a ghost from your past emailed you.

Those feelings that were stirred up in you, are going to take awhile to be organized and filed away in your brain.

Better to leave the past in the past.

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dreams are just your minds way of organizing your thoughts.

You previously told us on August 13 that a ghost from your past emailed you.

Those feelings that were stirred up in you, are going to take awhile to be organized and filed away in your brain.

Better to leave the past in the past.

3:28 PM  
Blogger GrayWolf said...

Yeah, dreams are also important in that they demonstrate that even while subconcious, the mind can still do work. Most of my dreams I can make sense of, whether they're about the past, present, or even future. You are right regarding the ghost from the past though: it was someone I had a very bad experience with earlier this year. Havin' a hard time gettin' 'er outta my mind though. Which is why I try to occupy myself with other things, to keep from dwelling too much. I hang on to the good memories from the past, but the bad ones.. sometimes they keep comin' back. :/ Where's the FDISK command when I really need it?? I feel like some days my brain needs re-formatting.

3:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi My name Francis, and I might register ---- maybe out of this world colors could mean somthing new, alot of people would say a colorful future ahead of you, but I don't know if thats the case I don't know the hole dream.Posibaly it could mean trying somthing new.I know at least in my Dreams that dreams can hint of whats to come even If it's unknown to man I believe God sends us clues.
Funny thing is that On this wine forum I was having a dream of meeting people in the area of Illinois, and the next day somone mentioned that.Another dream I had was telling me of the future im not going to explain the whole dream, and the next day my friend almost got arrested, but it was about me oddy, and I thought just not to long ago, maybe that means if I could(strong word, but you know what I mean) maybe I would live the same life style

I like looking at the pictures in the galley, and the mushroom link I looked at, and the wine recipe, and links,
strang how you can learn (vint/growing)Idea's just by reading the tasting notes.
I did want to ask do you have the weight ratio you use in the recipe?

5:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot to add
Funny thing is that On this wine forum I was having a dream of meeting people in the area of Illinois, and the next day somone mentioned that
Stang thing is is that the persons name was Gray wolfer, that said if I plan to start a wine club, but I will probaly try to meet him anyways.

5:21 AM  

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