Job-hunting STINKS (..and sucks.. ..and blows..)!
As I write this, it's one minute before midnight. Just need to get something off my shoulders. As y'all might've guessed, since I moved back to GA, I've been actively hunting jobs. I'd prefer a govt. job over one with the University, as the pay & benefits would be better. Back in December I applied for the position of Food Safety Microbilogist. My application package cost almost $2 to mail. It consisted of the following: TWO versions of my resumé, statement of U.S. citizenship, a huge document known as a "KSA" (for "Knowledge, Skills, & Abilities"), copies of my UGA transcript, & a cover letter.
Just today (after nearly 2 months!) I finally received a letter from the USDA HR office. Their entire response was only 2 sentences long:
"Your application did not provide enough information, as outlined in the vacancy announcement, to make a determination of your eligibility. Thank you for your interest in employment with the Food Safety and Inspection Service." Yeah, bullsh*t, bullsh*t, bullsh*t......
I guess it's good that they at least acknowledged my application, BUT they could have at least told me exactly WHAT I'd left out!! After all, that durn "KSA" was a full friggin' FIVE PAGES LONG! I should have entitled it GrayWolf's MANIFESTO.
Oh well..... "Keep on keepin' on", as they say... OK, I'm through with my complaining/bitching/moaning session for now, har har! It's after midnight and I'm tired. Buenas Nachos ---uhh.. I mean Buenas Noches!
OMG that is so unreal... Not enough Info!
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