Thursday, December 08, 2005

Indian Summer

Well, weather-wise, October & November were nice. Highs were in the 70s & 80s and lows were in the 40s. We had many days that were fair, clear, & bright, but it was dry. Some much-needed rain finally arrived by late Nov.. Around here, we call this period of unseasonably-warm weather "Indian Summer": it can occur betw. Oct. & Dec..
Now however, it's cold enough to freeze a rabbit's balls off (as my GrandDaddy would say)! CF: the earlier posting on "Brass Monkey Weather". Last few nights, we've had frost, and tonight's forecast is for chance of freezing rain/sleet. I DETEST Winter!!! ---And I especially hate it when the weather-people on TV use the words "interesting" & "precipitation" in the same sentence!
Oh well, it's s'posed to be high in the 60s again by next week. (Come to think of it, everybody was "high" in the '60s!!)


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