From Merriam Webster's Dictionary: "Maundering" means wandering idly or speaking indistinctively or disconnectedly. In other words, drivelling, runnin' off @ the mouth, wandering aimlessly, &c.. --Which is exactly what I feel I've been doing these past couple of years (actually nearly 4 yrs.) w/ this 'Blog. Yes, I would be posting a lot more items --IF I'd actually get some ***FEEDBACK*** once in a while. As I mentioned more than 2 years ago: without any feedback (you know, the clickable "comments" where ANYone can leave feedback), I have no way of knowing whether what I write is even remotely-interesting or just downright suck-@$$. I already was thinking this 'blog site was already dead more than a year ago, but now it seems it's even deader than dead --assuming such a concept even exists. This will be the last time I shall ask/beg/implore/whatever feedback from anyone; otherwise I shall close this site for good. Again: y'alls call. Thank you Blogger.com for giving me the space for ranting, maundering, venting, &c..
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