"High-speed"(?) internet.. --"Right."
I just realized in my past posting I used the phrase "high-speed internet" --which has to be the granddaddy of all OXYMORONS. Such a thing doesn't exist any more. It was less than 10 years ago that I could easily (and fast-ly) download huge weather satellite images, even with only a 9600- or 14400-baud modem. Thing is, NOW so many web pages have so much advertising & other gobbledygook (e.g. XMjavaL-script, or ... uhhh... whatever). And it makes the internet slow to a crawl, even for those lucky enough to afford a T3 line. Also, you'll note that the above link was for a [unfortunately]well-known software company whose new Windoze Vista OS has to be the biggest pile of BLOAT-WARE I've ever evaluated. They're certainly not doing their part for helping streamline information technology, especially what with continually releasing expen$ive and increasingly-buggy software. OK, I'm through ranting now..... time for this old silver-haired wolf to turn in fer th' night. Buenas nachos...